We are glad that you have chosen to stop by. Feel free to look around and contact us should you want to know more about who we are, what we do, and how we can be of assistance to you.
“Let us be a resource for you in your quest for truthful living found only in the Living Word of God, Jesus, and His Written Word that can save your soul.
“Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. James 1:21”
Human life matters to God. How do we know? Simply because He sent his Son, Jesus, to become human and save every one He created in His image. Because it matters to Him, it also matters to us. Save One More Now, Inc. is a life-affirming, life-supporting ministry demonstrating the reality of Jesus and the opportunity for everlasting life He gives to every human on earth.
Save One More Now, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) ministry that seeks to lovingly confront all activities that dishonor human life, including (but not limited to) abortion, abuse, suicide, murder, and euthanasia. It is our vision to see human life restored to its true value according to God’s Word. It is our mission to inform adults and young people on the importance of promoting and protecting human life at every stage and in any condition. There are many places in God’s Word where we are instructed to care for the widow, the fatherless, the stranger, the unwanted, and the helpless. However, great confusion in today’s society has expanded the need to sound the call to protect all humans everywhere.
Our goal is to introduce others to the true life that is found only through a relationship with Jesus Christ, the Living Word, through the written Word of God, and to encourage humanity to discover God’s good purpose for their lives.
Like many other organizations that began as small answers to tragic situations, so it is with Save One More Now, Inc. Personal loss combined with the realization that there was something one person (or many people working together) could do blossomed into a ministry whose goal is to advocate for society’s youngest, oldest, and everyone in
Like many other organizations that began as small answers to tragic situations, so it is with Save One More Now, Inc. Personal loss combined with the realization that there was something one person (or many people working together) could do blossomed into a ministry whose goal is to advocate for society’s youngest, oldest, and everyone in between.
As it is the personal goal of every member to follow Jesus as the life, we offer the prospect of freedom and love with the Truth that changes and saves lives.
Above all, it is our privilege to walk in the newness of life provided by our Lord Jesus the Messiah. We offer that same freedom and reconciliation with God through Jesus, without condemnation for those who have made choices apart from Him in the past, and without pride for those who don’t know Him at all or what He has done for them. This new life is possible only through a living, vibrant relationship with God through the only begotten Son of God, Who also is the Son of Man, Jesus.
Save One More Now, Inc. is pleased to inform your organization (Religious, Service, Civic, Professional) that we have speakers who will give useful information regarding issues that affect human life, such as Pregnancy, Abortion Alternatives, Eugenics, Euthanasia and more.
As the Lord blesses us with opportunities to proclaim His goodness
Save One More Now, Inc. is pleased to inform your organization (Religious, Service, Civic, Professional) that we have speakers who will give useful information regarding issues that affect human life, such as Pregnancy, Abortion Alternatives, Eugenics, Euthanasia and more.
As the Lord blesses us with opportunities to proclaim His goodness, His mercy, and His grace, we seek to complement ministry goals for life-minded organizations in their meetings, small groups, and other life-affirming events. Please let us know how we can serve you.
We will provide these informed speakers to address adults and teens (male/female presentations can be divided and facilitated at the same venue and time). Let us help you provide vital information for your specific audiences!
For more information, please contact us at
(850) 727-0493 or send us a message at truelife@saveonemorenow.org.
Save One More Now, Inc. is now on the air!
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2910 Kerry Forest Parkway, Suite D4-235, Tallahassee, FL 32309
Copyright © 2021 Save One More Now, Inc. All Rights Reserved.